...these silver lines, travel from my thoughts to yours, wavering, floating like spirits dancing...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Isn't it enough that we set ourselves in tight little boxes, constraining our own selves, stopping us from moving forward, from growing, from thinking, from being, from simply existing, that we allow others to control us as well? How often do you allow yourself to be at the mercy of someone else's dictate, follow someone else's rules, be the shiny, new carbon copy of somebody else's idea of life, thrust on you? Isn't it pathetic that people allow themselves to be controlled this way by others?

What I find amazing, is that in this day and age, women are finding it absolutely a given fact, that they have to follow someone else's rules and principles. What's even more shocking is that they make no effort to change the way they live their lives, except by the dictates of someone else. This is not a sexist ramble mutilating the male sex, nor even a tirade on the miserable condition women set themselves in, but rather a personal insight into matters that strictly need to be addressed more seriously by everyone, the men and the women, equally.

What is completely warped about this whole situation is, that women don't understand what their freedom means. Their fear of, I don't know, standing up for themselves, maybe? lets them think that even thinking about such an idea would be taboo. But my question is, if a bird lived in constant fear of flying, would it ever learn to fly? Or would it ever feel the wonder of the open sky or feel the wind beneath its wings? The idea of protection and saving 'honour' in Pakistani society has become synonymous with male domination and I'm continually being forced to reinforce the idea of an innate need to control women within men. In a largely patriarchal society such as ours, matters are not helping, if anything, things are worsening. If so called, educated, bright minds can continue to treat their daughters, sisters, wives, etc. this way, it leaves little to the imagination how the rest would be faring.

I think people really need to wake up and smell the coffee, because it is not just about elders controlling their young, or the men protecting the 'honour' of their women, it is about basic human rights. If you're allowing yourself to become a puppet and let someone hold the strings, then it is your fault, entirely! and what's more, you don't know what you're missing. You're allowing yourself to fall into a habit, into an endless dark tunnel with no light at the end. And men need to stop worrying and being so controlling, and especially stop abusing the rights of others around them-the fundamental right of choosing for oneself what one wishes. Stop dreaming and start living!

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